
Sunday 25 September 2011

So it's been a while

Firstly I must apologise for my lack of communication in the past 3 or so weeks. 
Getting back into the swing of school has taken it's toll, but I think I'm finally sorted and settled! 

My new class are lovely and have already produced some fantastic writing so I'm really excited about the year ahead! The classroom is looking great and my displays are beginning to take form so I'm really happy. 

My only battle at the moment is the amount of disruptions to the timetable, I'm already lessons behind. How do you guys catch up?

Hope you are all having a great beginning of term!!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 8- A photo taken reccently of me

Well this an easy one as reccently I posted a photo of my trip to Alton Towers. So here it is again!! 

Can I also direct you towards a fellow blogger and twitter friend's blog who has also embarked upon the 50 day blog challenge!!


Monday 29 August 2011

Day 7- A youtube video you find funny

Today's was a difficult choice, I spent a large majority of my time as an undergrad on youtube with my friends watching loads of videos. There are many that I find amusing such as salad fingers and burnt face man. I also looooove the Harry Potter Puppet Pals- it played a large roll in my boyfriend and I getting together- long story. 

But this video is deffo a good'un its a fail safe amuser and I will be extremely shocked if you don't find it at least a little amusing! 

So enjoy and let me know what you think! 


Sunday 28 August 2011

Day 6- A list of what you ate today

Breakfast- bacon sandwich and water
Icecream (from Bournemouth seafront :)- with a flake too!)
Harry Ramsden's chip butty
Ham sandwich with a glass of wine- ooo la la 
Chocolate buttons

I don't think I'll be consuming anything else- except of course some Jacques cider! 

How are you all spending your bank holiday Sunday? Technically the last Sunday of freedom!

Saturday 27 August 2011

Day 5- A letter to an ex

Dear Ex, 
I'm sorry you are now my ex but there are reasons for this. 
There's no denying you were a great boyfriend but things changed, I moved away, my life changed and you were so demanding. I needed some time to sort myself out and our paths have not crossed since.

I'm pleased that you have got on with your life as I have mine and I wish you all the best. 

Your ex

Friday 26 August 2011

Day 4- A Photo of you from over 10 years ago!

Ok, so it's safe to say that I failed miserably yesterday by not being able to give my favourite film! I am however determined to make up for it with today's post... a delightful photo of me from over 10 years ago!!! 

So this is a photo of me and my cousin! I am the one of the right in my uber cool fover friends pyjamas! I don't think you can tell but my cousin has the same ones! We are also holding our beloved teddies. Mine was called ninigig (this is because my aforementioned cousing couldn't pronounce guinea pig). Ninigig was tortured by my brothers, singed in the oven, thrown out of windows and finally died an unfortunate death when he was left at a travel lodge! I still blame my Uncle for that!! My cousins teddies had the orginal names of teddy and piggy! 

So now that I have completely embarrassed myself I think it's time you showed your love with some follows! 

Hows your day going?  :)

Thursday 25 August 2011

Day 3- Your favourite film

Hmmm now this is a tricky one! 

A few years ago I would of said Center Stage- it's a dance film and I used to dance ALOT! 
I love the HP films and Pirates of the Caribbean. I also secretly (well not so secretly like the twilight films too!)

My best friend and I have a few of our faves embarrassingly Cross Roads- yes thats the one with Britney Spears and The Proposal is pretty hilarious too! 

Hmmm if I had to pick one film though, I think it would have to be....

I'll keep thinking 

Whats your favourite film?