
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 8- A photo taken reccently of me

Well this an easy one as reccently I posted a photo of my trip to Alton Towers. So here it is again!! 

Can I also direct you towards a fellow blogger and twitter friend's blog who has also embarked upon the 50 day blog challenge!!


Monday 29 August 2011

Day 7- A youtube video you find funny

Today's was a difficult choice, I spent a large majority of my time as an undergrad on youtube with my friends watching loads of videos. There are many that I find amusing such as salad fingers and burnt face man. I also looooove the Harry Potter Puppet Pals- it played a large roll in my boyfriend and I getting together- long story. 

But this video is deffo a good'un its a fail safe amuser and I will be extremely shocked if you don't find it at least a little amusing! 

So enjoy and let me know what you think! 


Sunday 28 August 2011

Day 6- A list of what you ate today

Breakfast- bacon sandwich and water
Icecream (from Bournemouth seafront :)- with a flake too!)
Harry Ramsden's chip butty
Ham sandwich with a glass of wine- ooo la la 
Chocolate buttons

I don't think I'll be consuming anything else- except of course some Jacques cider! 

How are you all spending your bank holiday Sunday? Technically the last Sunday of freedom!

Saturday 27 August 2011

Day 5- A letter to an ex

Dear Ex, 
I'm sorry you are now my ex but there are reasons for this. 
There's no denying you were a great boyfriend but things changed, I moved away, my life changed and you were so demanding. I needed some time to sort myself out and our paths have not crossed since.

I'm pleased that you have got on with your life as I have mine and I wish you all the best. 

Your ex

Friday 26 August 2011

Day 4- A Photo of you from over 10 years ago!

Ok, so it's safe to say that I failed miserably yesterday by not being able to give my favourite film! I am however determined to make up for it with today's post... a delightful photo of me from over 10 years ago!!! 

So this is a photo of me and my cousin! I am the one of the right in my uber cool fover friends pyjamas! I don't think you can tell but my cousin has the same ones! We are also holding our beloved teddies. Mine was called ninigig (this is because my aforementioned cousing couldn't pronounce guinea pig). Ninigig was tortured by my brothers, singed in the oven, thrown out of windows and finally died an unfortunate death when he was left at a travel lodge! I still blame my Uncle for that!! My cousins teddies had the orginal names of teddy and piggy! 

So now that I have completely embarrassed myself I think it's time you showed your love with some follows! 

Hows your day going?  :)

Thursday 25 August 2011

Day 3- Your favourite film

Hmmm now this is a tricky one! 

A few years ago I would of said Center Stage- it's a dance film and I used to dance ALOT! 
I love the HP films and Pirates of the Caribbean. I also secretly (well not so secretly like the twilight films too!)

My best friend and I have a few of our faves embarrassingly Cross Roads- yes thats the one with Britney Spears and The Proposal is pretty hilarious too! 

Hmmm if I had to pick one film though, I think it would have to be....

I'll keep thinking 

Whats your favourite film?

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day 2- Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day

  • Got up and showered 
  • Drove to Next to return some clothes for mum
  • Went to school
  • Shifted some tables 
  • Backed some boards
  • Made a mess and attempted to tidy up
  • Did the hall display
  • Spent most of this time winding up a fellow teacher :)
  • Came home and sat down for like 2 seconds
  • Went with my brother to the shops for dinner
  • Ate dinner (curry btw)
  • Washed up
  • Watched Hollyoaks
  • Picked up my sister-in-law
  • Made mars bar krispie cakes
  • Gave my brother his birthday pressies
  • Cut a hole in my hand!
  • Blogged this! 
Will most likely watch Beaver Falls and go to bed! 

Night all!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 1- Introduce yourself- likes and dislikes

So hello there or as the french say Bonjour! 

My name is Miss.... well I like to keep a bit of mystery about myself (basically I'm covering my arse!)

But at least you know I'm not married... still waiting though! 

I am young, very young for a teacher (apparently) there is a decade between myself and the next youngest teacher in my school, so yes I am young deal with it! 

I am a teacher but I think you've already established that! I unfortunately live with the parents still urgh! Embarrassing but on a positive note, the bloke and I are currently looking at places so that makes it all seem a little less sad- I hope! 

I teach a year six class- woop woop, I love the fact that by the end of the year most of them are taller than me- yes I am rather short but it means that squatting next to a table is less painful! 

I love neighbours, chocolate, rose wine, Cath Kidston,  my boyfriend (thought I should include him) my new car, my friends, dancing, shopping and I do actually love my job! 

I dislike beans, peas, mushrooms and tomatoes- yes I'm a fussy eater! I also dislike rude people, selfish people and that Kitty girl from X-factor - grrr :@ apart from that I don't think I really have much else which makes my blood boil! 

If you want to know more, just ask and I'll think about telling you! 

Hope you're all having a good day!

50 day challenge!

So I thought I embark on the 50 day challenge to keep things ticking over until school starts and begins to manic. Yes I appreciate that unfortunately there are less than 50 days until term starts, I don't want to even think about the small number of days left until I hear the sound of my new class piling through the door!! 

Anyway I can do two posts in a day.... ha who am I kidding but I do like a challenge!! 

So below is the 50 day challenge and I will be posting minutes after this one, day 1 of the challenge. 

Enjoy! :)

DAY 1 Introduce yourself / List your likes and dislikes
DAY 2 Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day
DAY 3 Your favourite film
DAY 4 A photo of you taken over ten years ago
DAY 5 A letter to an ex
DAY 6 List of what you ate today
DAY 7 A YouTube video you find funny
Day 8 A photo of you taken recently
Day 9 List some of your favourite bloggers
Day 10 A letter to the person you hate most or caused you a lot of pain
Day 11 Share your favorite recipe
Day 12 Post a self-portrait
Day 13 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 14 A song from your childhood
Day 15 A letter to someone you wish you could meet
Day 16 Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
Day 17 A photo that makes you sad
Day 18 Set or share a goal
Day 19 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 20 A letter to someone that changed your life
Day 21 Your favourite television program
Day 22 A photo that makes you happy
Day 23 Share one of your current favourite tunes
Day 24 Time to
face morph
Day 25 A letter to someone you judged by their first impression
Day 26 Favorite books
Day 27 A talent of yours
Day 28 Favourite places to shop
Day 29
Provide the HEX code of your favorite color
Day 30 A letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 31 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 32 A photo you took
Day 33 What you’re craving right now
Day 34 Your favourite quote
Day 35 A letter to your crush
Day 36 Some hobbies of yours
Day 37 A song that you like to dance to
Day 38 A photo of your parent(s)
Day 39 Zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality
Day 40 A letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 41 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 42 Bad habit(s) you have
Day 43 A picture of your favourite place in the world
Day 44 Something that fascinates you and why
Day 45 A letter to yourself a year ago
Day 46 Photos of personal things in your life (pets, family, house, ect.)
Day 47 Birthday wish list
Day 48 A photo of you right now
Day 49 Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 50 A letter to your reflection in the mirror

Sunday 21 August 2011


So the end of the holidays are looming... sigh! I've begun to think about planning for the first topic and first week of maths but the thought of opening a blank planning document scares me a little bit. Having taught year six means that planning went out of the window for about 4 weeks, so it really has been a long time since I've engrossed myself in that planning process. Another factor which slightly scares me a little is my new class. Yes I've met them, yes I've taught them a few times but I haven't taught them Maths or English and therefore am unaware of their capabilities so planning seems to be a little tricky. 

How do you guys organise yourself for the beginning of a new school year? Any good tips? 

On a slightly happier note, I got my new car and I absolutely love it!

Monday 15 August 2011

Having Fun

So I've just got back from a few days at Alton Towers with my family. Most people would probably destest the thought of spending time with their family and would return wanting to kill them! Ok so it happened to my two cousins, they may have had a minor falling out- we all placed bets on when it would happen and I lost. But not me, I enjoyed spending time with my relatives!

It honestly was a great trip! (Photo below) I went with the other half, brothers, cousins and partners. There were 8 of us in total- a perfect number for theme parks (provided everyone is an adrenaline junkie like me) There were enough of us to fill rows and boats an ensure that surrounding us loud ones were people we knew. We could also easily escape people (a key thing for my two cousins)

We stayed at a premier inn- classy I know!! I did hope to see Lenny Henry but no such luck! We all ate together at breakfast and at dinner and we were even treated to some colouring in- this was in fact the quietest we had been the entire time... shocking! (Pic below too) Highlights of the trip (excluding the rides as they were my favourite- I think the whole park knew about that!  were: doughnuts- tradition, free party rings and fanta on the exit and being with people I love!!

When we returned the rest of my family gathered for a chinese and bbq over the weekend; I'll say it again the nicest part of the weekend was not worrying about work. There were in total 14 of us sat round a table on Sat night and Sunday afternoon and there were still key members of our family missing!! We ate like pigs as all good families do. A lot of food and alcohol was consumed. Standard in my house. My brother also competed in eating about 6 pieces of garlic bread in three minutes- bet you all want to party at my house now!!!

I spent all year hating Sunday's as meant the looming dread of school the next day, marking those last few books, preparing those last few lessons and resources and getting an early night. However this weekend I spent Sunday enjoying great food, family, drinking and spending a damn good few hours playing rounders! I do not want to return to school :( boo hoo :( 

I will say however I've had two and half weeks off now and didn't realise til this morning that I still have three sweet weeks :) wooooooooo yeah!! 

Would love to hear what everyone else has been up to this summer!

Us guys at Alton Towers

The special kids table, concentrating whilst colouring!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Time Off

So I've been off for two weeks now and I started my holidays being really productive getting lots of things done but now I've begun to slack a little! I spent the past few days rolling out of bed with my man at almost lunchtime and watching films... waste of time!! I did go out on Saturday though and spent a whopping total of £3.60- amazing. So I suppose that is a little more on the productive side!

I've also been house sitting up until today for a friend of mine who is lucky enough to spend most of her holidays visiting her husband in Italy- Jell!! I've come home to my parents house and chucked everything in my room so now its an utter mess. I suppose I really should 'be productive' and clear up but I really cannot be arsed!

So I got to thinking, how much work is sensible to be doing on holiday, I know teachers who will spend the majority of their holiday working both in and out of school. Other teachers have been super organised and done most of their work right at the end of the last year, even down to display boards done.

And then there's me! I literally abadoned my classroom at 3:20 at the end of term, tables and chairs all over the place, display boards empty and classroom a mess! The last thing I wanted to do was tidy and be organised! I just wanted a big, fat, cold glass of wine and put my feet up! I've done some class lists so far but thats about it. My plan is to go in to school next week and get everything done, put up displays, sort out seats, tidy my desk- which involves a lot of filing, put up my hall display and do planning for the first week or so of term. Over ambitious? Should I be doing more? Should I be trawling the internet and books for different and new ways to organise and manage my class and teaching or should I simply be resting ready for another year?

Would love to hear what you think and how much you do over your summer hols!

Sunday 7 August 2011


Here, the photos of the delicious cupcakes made for my friend's birthday! They were yummy as were her brownies!! Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Summer Holidays!

So, I've been on my summer holiday for about a week now and I'm absolutely loving it! I so desperately want to be a housewife, instead I choose one of the most opposing professions out there, one where I'm tied down every day, evening and weekend and have no time to run personal errands or bake cakes!

Talking of baking cakes, it's my friends birthday BBQ today and for the occasion a friend and I baked some pretty awesome cup cakes which sit in a pretty little cake stand... delightful. I may get round to posting a photo when I work out exactly how to do it.

Any way to the case in point, I never wanted to work, my grand plan was always to be a kept woman. I decided that if I went to University I would meet my rich and successful husband who would think I was clever and smart because I had a degree... that plan failed!!! On the plus side I now get to spend six weeks of my year playing at being a housewife! If only I had the money to be able to shop almost every day... sigh!

I do have work to do this holiday but I'm saving it as a treat for the end of the summer, a way to ease myself back into work. So for now I'm freeeeeeeee as a bird! My friends are loving the fact that they actually get to see my face... well I hope they are.

My holiday so far has consisted of shopping.. too much as my latest purchase was a new car (I need to look the kept woman part) lunching with various lovely people, baking and cooking dinner for the other half and running errands, all those things I couldn't do whilst I was teaching.

Fortunately I've managed to avoid the bumping into of children from school which is a bonus! It's not that I dislike bumping into children from school, it's just that it makes me all conscious and feel I have to behave respectably as a teacher would... and that's not me!

Anyway, I think I've bored you enough of my boring life and promise to post again when I have something a little more exciting to say.

Ciao for now

Friday 5 August 2011

Year 1

First year of teaching... done! I can't quite believe it! In some ways it was a really long year with loads of work but towards the end it went to quickly I can't remember what all the fuss was about back in October when I was marking 100 books at the weekend!! 

I've waved goodbye to my class of year 6 who will very shortly be entering the big world of secondary school... scary. Whilst they move on I get treated to a new class where I undoubtedly will have another year of amusing moments. 

One of my favourite moments was quite possibly when a child in my class asked what Mary's (the mother of Jesus- as we were writing autobiographies) surname is, I explained that well we don't really know, it was never recorded in the bible and don't worry about it in your writing everyone will know who you mean. Five minutes later the child pipes up, not to worry Miss I've worked it out, its Christ as in Jesus Christ, Mary Christ!!

I know the lives of teachers are boring, my friends will tell you that due to my lack of social life this year but I promise to only publish interesting stories... well I'll try to.

So Welcome