
Monday 15 August 2011

Having Fun

So I've just got back from a few days at Alton Towers with my family. Most people would probably destest the thought of spending time with their family and would return wanting to kill them! Ok so it happened to my two cousins, they may have had a minor falling out- we all placed bets on when it would happen and I lost. But not me, I enjoyed spending time with my relatives!

It honestly was a great trip! (Photo below) I went with the other half, brothers, cousins and partners. There were 8 of us in total- a perfect number for theme parks (provided everyone is an adrenaline junkie like me) There were enough of us to fill rows and boats an ensure that surrounding us loud ones were people we knew. We could also easily escape people (a key thing for my two cousins)

We stayed at a premier inn- classy I know!! I did hope to see Lenny Henry but no such luck! We all ate together at breakfast and at dinner and we were even treated to some colouring in- this was in fact the quietest we had been the entire time... shocking! (Pic below too) Highlights of the trip (excluding the rides as they were my favourite- I think the whole park knew about that!  were: doughnuts- tradition, free party rings and fanta on the exit and being with people I love!!

When we returned the rest of my family gathered for a chinese and bbq over the weekend; I'll say it again the nicest part of the weekend was not worrying about work. There were in total 14 of us sat round a table on Sat night and Sunday afternoon and there were still key members of our family missing!! We ate like pigs as all good families do. A lot of food and alcohol was consumed. Standard in my house. My brother also competed in eating about 6 pieces of garlic bread in three minutes- bet you all want to party at my house now!!!

I spent all year hating Sunday's as meant the looming dread of school the next day, marking those last few books, preparing those last few lessons and resources and getting an early night. However this weekend I spent Sunday enjoying great food, family, drinking and spending a damn good few hours playing rounders! I do not want to return to school :( boo hoo :( 

I will say however I've had two and half weeks off now and didn't realise til this morning that I still have three sweet weeks :) wooooooooo yeah!! 

Would love to hear what everyone else has been up to this summer!

Us guys at Alton Towers

The special kids table, concentrating whilst colouring!

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